Training in cooperation and leadership for entrepreneurs
When you’re self-employed you constantly cooperate with others, customers as well as partners. These relationships have to work in order to be a successful entrepreneur. With the help of knowledge about cooperation and leadership you can understand better how the customer thinks, how to give feedback and what you can do to prevent conflicts.
What is The Team Generator?
The Team Generator is a distance education for micro businesses. What makes The Team Generator unique is that participants are given the opportunity for close cooperations with business owners in other fields. By forming well-functioning teams where different knowledge, skills, and experiences come together, team members can help each other handle a wider range of challenges. Old problems can have new solutions. Ideas that were previously difficult or impossible to realise can be implemented together.
The Team Generator is carried out by Subtopia’s incubator Katapult in collaboration with Lucida AB, with the support of Tillväxtverket.