Circus networks

Subtopia is an active partner in international circus networks.

International circus networks

Subtopia is, with the support of the Swedish Arts Council, an active partner in international circus networks. Circostrada is a European network for information and exchange, Baltic Nordic Circus Network is a development network for Nordic and Baltic circus, Samovar Circles is a Nordic-Baltic think tank and Circusnext is a European platform for innovation of the art circus form. Read more about them below.

Samovar Circles

Samovar Circles is think tank focusing on how to tackle the new challenges and opportunities for the circus arts, with the objective to support artists and presenters across the field to strengthen relationships and find out together how to build new support structures for the future. Artists and presenters in the Nordic and Baltic contemporary circus scene are invited to a series of intimate and highly participative meetings, workshops and seminars. In 2023 the think tank focuses on two themes: diversity and the relation between artists and presenters. The network has been created by Subtopia in collaboration with organisations from Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia.


Circostrada is a European information and exchange network for circus and street performance with the aim of promoting the development and organisation of these arts in Europe. The network and its fifty members, all of which are venues, festivals, or industry organisations from across the continent, meet twice a year. Subtopia has been a member since 2008 and has actively been involved in the network’s activities and workshops.

Circostrada carries out projects like organising international supplementary training meetings for the circus community and for the Arts Councils of different countries. They also join forces to support various development initiatives and conferences, as well as working with integrating circus activities in the European Culture Cities programming and publishing the magazine Stradda.

The Nordic Baltic Circus Network (NBCN)

The Nordic Baltic Circus Network (NBCN) is a network for Nordic and Baltic contemporary circus with the aim of bringing together Nordic and Baltic organisations within the field in common development projects and training. Partners in the network are organisations from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. During 2015 and 2016 the network conducted a number of seminars and workshops.


Circusnext is a European network of venues and residency centers with status as a platform within Creative Europe. The network identifies and supports artistically innovative projects with the potential to develop the art form. About 30 festivals in Europe are members, in addition there are a large number of associated members around the world. Subtopia was a member already in 2009 and developed the former French support program Jeunes Talents Cirque into the European Circusnext.

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