If you like music and want to dance whilst not being dependent on a partner then line dancing is for you! You get a pleasant amount of exercise while we dance to pop, disco, funk, country and a little softer waltz, nightclub 2-step and west coast swing.
In line dancing, we talk about dance characters, which have the same basic steps but are danced in different ways depending on the music used. The dance also follows a dance description, which tells us which steps should be used and in which order.
Fire On Line was started in 2016 and is instructed by Helena Schoeje and Giggi Wänqvist, who have both danced since 2005 and been instructors since 2007/2008.
Email: info@fireonline.se
Website: www.fireonline.se
Facebook: Fire On Line
Helena 070-888 93 91
Giggi 070-341 87 95